Spirit Babies- How to Communicate with the Child You're Meant to Have by Walter Makichen. A must read for any woman or couple who has exhausted her emotions, physical body and logic in the realm of science and conception. Walter Makichen brings his natural gift of a clarivoyant to the service of those trying to conceive and helps you connect with the spirit baby that is already connected to you. Truly amazing, undeniable stories of success and connection! He will inspire to meditate and get in touch with the love in your heart for your baby that easily becomes covered by fear, loss and confusion. Visit his website: www.spiritbabies.com for more information.
Spirit Babies: How to Communicate
Spirit Babies- How to Communicate with the Child You're Meant to Have by Walter Makichen. A must read for any woman or couple who has exhausted her emotions, physical body and logic in the realm of science and conception. Walter Makichen brings his natural gift of a clarivoyant to the service of those trying to conceive and helps you connect with the spirit baby that is already connected to you. Truly amazing, undeniable stories of success and connection! He will inspire to meditate and get in touch with the love in your heart for your baby that easily becomes covered by fear, loss and confusion. Visit his website: www.spiritbabies.com for more information.
psychic ability,
spirit connection
Ways to eliminate excess estrogen
Estrogen dominance is a recurring problem for many women. Too many processed foods in one's diet can cause this, coupled with constipation, can pose a serious health risk. Changing one's diet to a whole grain, organic plant based diet will greatly improve one's health very quickly.
At times however, certain products may be needed to help quicken this process. Visit www.healthresources.net for more information on this product.
Orgasm and Conception
This is an area of research that is truly fascinating and surely not addressed (for the obvious reasons) by any fertility doctors. How to improve chances of conception by ensuring that a woman has an orgasm.
How does the orgasm itself help increase chances? The cervix pulls during orgasm and helps actively assist the sperm to enter into the uterus and swim up to the fallopian tubes.
6 Days to prepare for implantation
During my certification training, Dr. Arvigo said that it "takes about 6 days for the endometrium to prepare for implantation." (www.arvigomassage.com). This really struck me as something very important for all women trying to conceive to keep in mind.
Preparing the endometrium, is also preparing our minds and spirits to be open enough to receive. Being receptive may be one of the harder parts of conception because we are so quick to grasp, attempt to control and figure everything out. But if we can work on cultivating our mind in a meditative way, we are more likely to be receptive.
Nourishing foods to build the blood, beginning on day 3 of a woman's cycle, is essential to having a well nourished lining that can be receptive to implantation. For a list of blood building foods, visit www.lifesourceacupuncture.com.
5 Steps to a Happy Uterus
The steps to enliven your pelvis, enrich your creative flow and become an energy dynamo that will awaken your second chakra and help to prevent accumulative disorders (fibroids) and/or treat blockages that already may exist.
1. Do NOTHING. that's right. just sit back, observe your breathe and watch your mind. try to get some perspective on why things are going in the direction that they are in your life. I cannot claim to have thought of this idea myself. I was first introduced to this radical concept of "doing nothing" as the first step of healing by Susun Weed. ("Doing Nothing" in another tradition is another way of saying to do "zazen" or meditation.) Susun (www.susunweed.com) has "The Six Steps of Healing" and her Step O is to "Do Nothing", which she claims is a vital, invisible step. I could not agree more. Another teacher who introduces this radical idea Martha Beck (www.marthabeck.com). Martha is a brilliant author, teacher and life coach and encourages your mental, physical and spiritual wellness by actively doing nothing for at least 15 minutes per day. Watch and you will learn.
2. Take a Second Chakra inventory: As we have learned from the teachers in the Energy Medicine tradition, the second chakra (color is orange/gold/yellow), is home to our creative & sexual energy, our intimate relationships, control and money issues and prosperity. This is precisely the reason this area of the body is of interest to me!! It is certainly where all our juice and power lies and it is vitally important for us to have a very deep understanding of these areas of our life and how they are interdependently woven together. To do a second chakra inventory, visit www.happyuterus.com and fill out the "Do you have a Happy Uterus" questionnaire.
3. Improve your Diet: Let's face it, there is absolutely no way to deny that you are what you eat, your food makes the blood in your body and poor quality blood leads to poor quality organs. When your internal organs are in a degenerative state due to an over processed diet, there is enough supporting, scientific research to show this has a deleterious effect on your overall health. There are millions of diets out there but common sense shows us: avoid processed food, avoid processed sugar, make at least 80% of every meal fruits and veggies and drink lots of water. My current favorite diet is the Body Ecology Diet (www.bodyecology.com)
4. Cultivate your Mind: I would have to admit that I believe very deeply that this is the most important step. Although there are numerous books, teachers, authors and practices out there teaching meditation, I recommend that you find an actual lineage. A lineage is a practice that has been passed on from teacher to student for thousands of years. The lineages that I am most familiar with are within the Buddhist and Yoga tradition, of which there are many. Here are the ones that have influenced my life greatly: (visit www.zencenterofsyracuse.org and www.jewelheart.org); in the Yoga tradition (www.cnyyogacenter.com or www.dharmayogacenter.com).
5. Do things that you love: Let's remember, you are going to die. This may come as a relief or as burden, depending on how well you have cultivated your mind! Whatever the case may be, I think that doing things that you absolutely love to do are the most important to bring happiness. Martha Beck as great advice and hilarious stories that surround this issue of lightening up and loving more. If you really want to share joy with others, why not create it within your own being first!
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