Although most parents begin to think about their childs immune system in the fall, the time to think about it is now. I am going to share with you the five products that I never leave home without and that have significantly improved the quality of our lives and ultimately, supported my daughter in her recovery of asthma.
1. Digestive Enzymes: enzymes are controversial because some people feel that they weaken digestion and potentially create a dependency. The anecdote is to this possible weakness is to build digestive fire and not need supplemental enzymes. However, when dealing with children, building digestive fire is not easy to impose! Nutraceutical Sciences Institute makes "Tummy Zymes: Digestive Enzymes for Kids", chewable enzymes for children. They are great tasting, easy to include in your daily life. I always keep one bottle in my purse and one at home. And, whenever I travel, esp. out of the country, I always bring a few extra. They have saved us from a belly ache every time and will help elimination if needed! Healthy guts are healthy lungs and healthy mind! I order these from, very affordable option to improving GI function.
2. Acacia Fiber powder: This is the best fiber supplement on the market to ensure that your child will poop! It is dietary soluble fiber, certified organic and has a prebiotic effect, which means that it increases the good gut flora that your immune system depends on. It is tasteless, odorless and poses no choking risk. You can add it to liquids or moist foods and it will regulate yours and your childs eliminative process so you can poop daily with ease. Visit for more info.
3. Liquid Astragalus vials by Plum Flower: When your child is old enough to sip through a straw, then they will begin receiving the benefits of taking this daily tonic to boost their immune system. Astragalus is a single herb designed to support the lungs and spleen, the foundation for your immune system. One vial has 700 mg. of astragalus root extract, each comes with its own straw. My 4 year old begs for 1-2 of these vials a day and without a doubt, I have seen the cumulative benefits in her health. She went from having a weakened immune system and an asthma diagnosis to having strong, powerful lungs and not missing one day of school in 2 years!! Thank you to our Chinese ancestors for finding this wonderful root! www.mayway. com
4. Children's Herbal Sentinel by Kan Herbs: This formula was designed to be used at the first sign of a runny nose. When the first drips from the nose begins, turn these tables into a fairly thick liquid, add stevia powder and administer. It is a guarantee to stop the runny nose and prevent the phlegm from entering the lung and turning into something much more complicated to treat. for more info.
5. Children's Ear Formula by Kan Herbs: Another potent product, designed by Dr. Jake Paul Fratkin (who was the supporting force in resolving my daughters asthma and has an excellent article on pediatric ear infections, which will effectively treat ear infections. Believe it or not, you do not need to take pharmaceutical antibiotics, you can much more effectively treat ear infections with Chinese Herbs. I used this formula two times in five years and my daughter never had another ear infection!! Thank you Dr. Fratkin, my pediatric hero!
5. Children's Ear Formula by Kan Herbs: Another potent product, designed by Dr. Jake Paul Fratkin (who was the supporting force in resolving my daughters asthma and has an excellent article on pediatric ear infections, which will effectively treat ear infections. Believe it or not, you do not need to take pharmaceutical antibiotics, you can much more effectively treat ear infections with Chinese Herbs. I used this formula two times in five years and my daughter never had another ear infection!! Thank you Dr. Fratkin, my pediatric hero!
Please contact us if you would like more information.; or to set up a consultation regarding your child's health care needs.