It just comes from ignorance. Each of us is working with our own limitations and varying degrees of ignorance. Nicholas Kristof impressively elucidates our current state of uterine affairs in his NY Times Opinion column from Oct. 3, 2010, “At Risk From the Womb”. He reveals to us that “our uterine environment before we’re even born” is just as important as genetics and environment. He goes on to say that a “stressful uterine environment may be a mechanism that allows poverty to replicate itself generation after generation.....kids facing stresses before birth appear to have lower educational attainment, lower incomes and worse health throughout their lives”. (www.nytimes.com)
The book that every couple trying to conceive must read is “Origins: How the Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives”. What it boils down to is that chemicals in our environment (everything from our hair and body products, to lawn sprays to toxic releases from factories, etc.), emotional stress and junk food have an impact on the future of your child. So please be aware of every movie you watch, every novel you read and everything you listen to, in addition to everything you eat, pray and love!
Thank you and may we honor our future generations of which we are responsible for!