In her book, there is a section about castor oil packs that is very interesting and, the only place I have encountered a reference to a paper written in 1999 entitled "Immunomodulation Through Castor Oil Packs", written by Harvey Grady, which was published by the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine. The paper addresses how castor oil affects the lymphatic system and ultimately supports the immune system.
I love how Carla brings together these three energetic: Sex....our primal instinct to move energy freely throughout our pelvis and ultimately our entire body; Lies, could be one lying to oneself about what truly makes one happy, frustrated or sacred. all of these feelings can get lodged in the pelvis, esp. feeling like you are not being creative enough, having the time to be creative. if ou are always in survival mode, this freeing energy of creativity, which can come out in dance, cake baking, house decorating, it's limitless. to have creative energy available, you have to make the time to let it come out. Any woman who is fully engaged in life juggling all that it has to offer, knows that time is something practically non-existant! so that is our work, create time. all of this can be done in the mind. begin by imagining, or just plain fantasizing, that you have enough time for yourself. be specific in your visualization. imagine yourself going through your day in exactly the fashion you would like. long stretches before you get out of bed, couple deep breathes before you take your first sip of lemon water....and continue on.
One of the contributing factors in any accumulative disorder (which fibroids are), is the lie that we subscribe to that there is not enough time in the day to take care of oneself. And then we subscribe to it without even fantasize once about how we DO want our lives to look. So give yourself the creative outlet to fantasize about your life and exactly how you want it to look and feel like.
I love how Carla brings together these three energetic: Sex....our primal instinct to move energy freely throughout our pelvis and ultimately our entire body; Lies, could be one lying to oneself about what truly makes one happy, frustrated or sacred. all of these feelings can get lodged in the pelvis, esp. feeling like you are not being creative enough, having the time to be creative. if ou are always in survival mode, this freeing energy of creativity, which can come out in dance, cake baking, house decorating, it's limitless. to have creative energy available, you have to make the time to let it come out. Any woman who is fully engaged in life juggling all that it has to offer, knows that time is something practically non-existant! so that is our work, create time. all of this can be done in the mind. begin by imagining, or just plain fantasizing, that you have enough time for yourself. be specific in your visualization. imagine yourself going through your day in exactly the fashion you would like. long stretches before you get out of bed, couple deep breathes before you take your first sip of lemon water....and continue on.
One of the contributing factors in any accumulative disorder (which fibroids are), is the lie that we subscribe to that there is not enough time in the day to take care of oneself. And then we subscribe to it without even fantasize once about how we DO want our lives to look. So give yourself the creative outlet to fantasize about your life and exactly how you want it to look and feel like.