1. Use your monthly cycle to clean out the "old".
Your uterus is designed to 'Let Go'. The lining (blood) accumulates (if there is abundance) and ideally, fully releases this accumulation monthly. I like to think of menstruation as a time of "letting go", a deep, lasting exhalation; deflating the balloon and a time to watch that balloon soar endlessly into the sky. Your uterine blood (endometrium) is a reflection for what is going on with a your entire blood system. If there is brown, dark, foul-smelling blood, then we need to pay attention to a disruptive pattern that your body and mind have been adapting to. Changes in diet, self care routine and emotional patterning will all support your uterus to become stronger and and in a better position to fully let go. Uterine massage (MAM) and vaginal steaming are also highly recommended for creating an environment within yourself so that your uterus fully clears out the 'old', without beginning the next cycle on top of the last. Visit www.arvigomassage.com for more info. regarding this.
2. Dive into the energetic function of your uterus/2nd chakra
In her book, The ABC's of Chakra Therapy: a Workbook, Deedre Diemer explains in depth your energetic vortex called the second chakra and says, "The 2nd chakra, located in the lower abdomen, contains stored memories, emotions, and information about how you relate to other people, the quality of your relationships, the day-to-day physical aspects of living, the use of your sexual/creative energy. The pelvic and reproductive organs are located in this area and are most susceptible to disease when there is a blockage or imbalance in the 2nd chakra." Need we say more? I would add to this that due to the emotional layering, unexamined beliefs and judgemental projections that most of us are walking around with, we are susceptible to having blockages in this power center. For more information from Deedre Diemer, visit her website at:
3. Daily choices support an on-going, daily detox.
In the now community of complementary health care practitioners and patients , the idea of 'detox' is widely subscribed to. This is very interesting if you can look at it in more of a cultural context and less of a health context. Where did we get the idea that we are "dirty", full of toxins and need to be cleansed? Sounds very judgemental to me! Now, of course if your diet has been mainly processed foods, and you have never done anything intentionally to benefit your health, you will want to determine what sort of plan will will adopt to clean yourself up from the inside out. Donna Gates's "Detoxification Training" (visit www.bodyecologydiet.com for more info.) is full of valuable information with a no-nonsense approach to radically shifting your body towards wellness. Our daily routine and diet should facilitate the liver, blood and bowels to gently, slowly and steadily cleanse every single day. Through eating a lot of greens, alkalizing, avoiding poisons, drinking clean water and including fermented foods and drinks in our daily diet, the body is going to detox and therefore continually regenerate itself in a healthy way.
4. Using your moon time to actually rest and reflect: the 3 day rule
If you have not yet read the novel "The Red Tent", by Anita Diamant, a wonderful tale of women living together in the days when you could actually retreat from the world of cooking, cleaning, parenting and relating, I highly encourage you to. It reminds us of the time when women were honored and respected during this time; to enter the red tent for 3 days and let your uterus have the time and space to do her job of releasing, cleansing and preparing for the next cycle. Without this time of conscious rest, because the uterus is put under a lot of strain everyday, she may not fully cleanse herself. This can result in a multitude of symptoms, endometrial/uterine polyps being one of them. Without the proper attention during this time, the uterus will not fully cleanse.
5. Female Tonic can be used to facilitate the "clean out" of old endometrium.
If you decide that you would like to call upon herbal support in 'cleaning out your uterus', then Female Tonic is an excellent choice. Although you can buy it as a ready-made tincture, there is something quite powerful when making the tea. I love the tea and feel huge benefits while drinking it. Female tonic warms your reproductive organs by lessening tension in diaphragm muscle, has a mild anti-spasmodic action on uterine muscles and, among other qualities, it acts as a uterine lavage to remove accumulated debris caused by incompletely flushed menstrual fluids. Visit www.happyuterus.com and/or www.rainforestremedies.com for more information on this product.