I will share with you some of the things that I believe are important in promoting fertility. We certainly know that fertility is not logical nor linear and that we ultimately do not know who is going to achieve a take home baby and who is not. Whatever the case may be, let us focus on increasing your creativity, health and vitality and fearless approach to life.
• Creativity to free pelvic energy. As Dr. Northrup says, “We as women must use our inherent creativity-our womb power-to regenerate our planet as well as to produce the next generation.” Although creativity is more closely connected to the energy of one’s ovaries, it certainly is an entire second chakra concern (see “what is my second chakra entry for more info. In what this is). If you are feeling blocked creatively, then the energy of your pelvis will feel, hold and store that block. Often it is how we define creativity that can keep us blocked. We need to open our definition so that we can be free to incorporate this important part of our daily lives, and not think of it as separate. Lavinia Spalding, in her book “Writing Away: a creative guide to awakening the journal-writing traveler” says that “you might face a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: the conviction that you’re not creative or artistic. The problem is that we’ve hijacked a word so multilayered that it’s difficult to define, and we’ve quarantined it to the exclusive realm of “fine arts.” Actually, creativity has a much wider scope. You can be creative in how you cook, throw a party, landscape your yard, play with kids, troubleshoot at work, dress, make love, travel. You can be creative in philosophy, religion, relationships, politics, or personality.” Thank you Lavinia for freeing our minds and ultimately our pelvis to allow this energy to travel with no hindrance.
•Making time, becoming fearless. Creating time in our lives-to just be, to feel and to be receptive takes a considerable amount of courage. I know that I historically have filled up every moment of my schedule to stay busy, keep on the move. God forbid that we have open blocks of time during the week with ‘nothing to do. ‘ As we settle down, settle our minds and learn to be still, we can receive the messages that we need to grow and nurture ourselves. I highly recommend reading Mika Brzezinski’s memoir “All Things at Once” where she chronicles what happened to her when she was just completely spent from overdoing. Becoming fearless is also learning to embrace not only what we don’t like but that which we want the most. Let’s face it, if you want a red sports car, most likely you will go looking at red sports cars, sitting in them and test-driving them. I think the same is true with babies. You know that when you want a baby, all you see are babies and pregnant women. (just like with red sports cars, suddenly everyone else has one)! I encourage you to love babies. Whenever you see one, go touch their little feet, send them love and see if you can hold them. This is particularly easy in restaurants where distraught and exhausted parents are trying to shove food in their mouths, pretend to be normal adults and wish their parents where there to hold their baby! Whenever I have risked asking to hold a baby in a restaurant, the parents beamed with joy!
•The inside job of fertility: plenty of good blood (uterine lining), balanced hormones and a good location for your condo to be (as in location of your uterus). If your period is scanty, your PMS is off the charts and you have a fair amount of brown discharge at anytime during your period, then we know you have work to do. Thank gosh we have our periods to let us know how things are going internally. Best ways to build blood: food, nettles and red clover (Susan weed says the only way to conceive after 40 is red clover...the #1 fertility promoter) www.blessedherbs.com to buy these amazing plants. The way I think is the best way to balance hormones is ‘doing nothing everyday for at least 10 minutes [as in meditation) and drink female tonic tea for 1-3 months or longer (www.arvigomassage.com). The only way to help your uterus get back into proper position is hands on therapy. There are excellent PT women who specialize in this moreover MAT practitioners (Maya Abdominal Therapies, see Arvigo massage to find someone near you).