• First step you will want to take is to check your hormone balance via saliva test with a DC or Naturopath. Saliva panels are an excellent way to determine what is
Pgoing on with you hormonally. Depending on what you find out, you will need to treat yourself for your internal balance before conception. Follow the advice of the Naturopath or DC you are working with. Ideally, you will want to use foods and plant material to create the hormone balance you are looking for.
• Second, find a Maya Abdominal Therapies (MAT) practitioner(www.arvigomassage.com) to feel for location of your uterus and determine if you have any symptoms of a mis-aligned uterus. This MAT practitioner may also suggest using the Female Tonic tea to benefit your hormonally and to do a 'uterine detox'. Female Tonic tea is a uterine lavage and will clear out old endometrium that may affect the strength and health of your uterine lining.
• Third, consult with an acupuncturist who also uses Chinese Medicinals. Do not be afraid to use high quality Chinese Medicinals before, during and after pregnancy. Women have been doing this for thousands of years and they are very powerful in chaning your underlying, internal pattern. I would plan on receiving frequent, regular acupuncture treatments post conception to prevent miscarriage throughout your first trimester. Ideally, this acupuncturist will specializes in fertility and can fearlessly support you during this precarious time.
• Additionally, Red Raspberry Leaf Infusion (www.blessedherbs.com) is a wonderful uterine tonic and i would plan on using this after your uterine lavage/cleansing. Once any signs of a displaced uterus are eliminated (see www.happyuterus.blogspot.com entry: Signs of Misplaced Uterus), you can begin to tonify her and make her very strong.
This combination of remedies is very powerful and works. It should all be quite affordable and mostly done right in your kitchen with your own two hands. Many acupuncturists are open to package deals for any pregnant woman trying to prevent miscarriage. Ideally, you begin this journey to strengthing your uterus months before you actually conceive.
All the best and think orange!