Developing a vaginal strengthening practice can:
• Reduce cramping during menstruation by helping to ease tension knots and move energy throughout your pelvis
• Enhance muscle control which not only enhances sexual enjoyment but helps prevent incontinence. Working out with the MB can help bring tone to the inner vaginal muscles and can help isolate the correct muscles to bring back the vitality you need for good control in this area. The MB can facilitate traditional kegel exercises which primarily work the PC (pubococcygeus muscle).
• Increase your sexual vitality which cures all ailments. Ever notice how when you fall in love and start making love, all your symptoms disappear and your immune system is powerful?
Regular practice with the MB increases blood flow to the lower chakras which benefits your uterine health and improves sexual desire, the source of creativity!
• The MB can also be used as a wand, or tool, for applying remedies to your cervix. If you are having an inflammatory response in your cervical area, you may want to apply aloe vera gel, plain yogurt, or honey right within yourself. The MB can facilitate this for you! (see CERVICAL blog post for more on the cervix, or visit the wise woman www.susunweed.com)
So invest in yourself today ladies and purchase something that will benefit your health for the rest of your life! For more information, and to purchase a MB, visit www.happyuterus.com and visit www.magicbanana.com for information about the inventress of this thigh master for the vagina!