
Do your Ovaries have feelings??

According to Dr. Northrup (www.drnorthrup.com),  ovarian energy is more dynamic and quickly changing than that of the uterus.  Think about the time difference between growing a baby and growing an egg.  Now, does this mean that if you have ovarian "dys-function" (such as cysts or anovulation), then bringing about a change will be much quicker than if you have uterine fibroids?  Possibly and why not?! But if you have both, fibroids and ovarian cysts, you are going to have to address both to get results in your ovaries.

The women that I admire who have delved into energy anatomy (Caroline Myss (www.myss.com), Dr.Christiane Northrup and Donna  Eden (www.innersource.net), concluded that the energy of the ovaries is quite different from the energy of the uterus.  Our ovaries represent our creativity.  Our creative drives in the outer world and our assertiveness in the outer world and our drive towards financial, creative or relationship goals, affect the function of our ovaries.  If someone is addicted to external authority (rather than intuition) or is a constant need of approval, some possible physical manifestations could be ovarian cysts.

Don't feel creative?  you would probably be quite surprised at how creative you are daily.  A great exercise is to do a brainstorm writing exercise and first define the word creative.  Notice if you have any of that in your life.  Next, brainstorm all the ways you WISH you were creative. Use your imagination. Already you have been creative.  Then whenever you begin something from the creative wish list, just do your best.  If nothing else, go pick some flowers and arrange them!

Be well, change gracefully!