
6 Days to prepare for implantation

During my certification training, Dr. Arvigo said that it "takes about 6 days for the endometrium to prepare for implantation." (www.arvigomassage.com). This really struck me as something very important for all women trying to conceive to keep in mind.

Preparing the endometrium, is also preparing our minds and spirits to be open enough to receive. Being receptive may be one of the harder parts of conception because we are so quick to grasp, attempt to control and figure everything out. But if we can work on cultivating our mind in a meditative way, we are more likely to be receptive.

Nourishing foods to build the blood, beginning on day 3 of a woman's cycle, is essential to having a well nourished lining that can be receptive to implantation. For a list of blood building foods, visit www.lifesourceacupuncture.com.